Well, since I haven’t written or posted in my blog in a while I figured I’d better do it now. Much of my time has been spent dealing with a cold that has made it difficult to get any work done at the studio. I am wrapping up the sculpture Sowing the Seeds, which is a commissioned piece for a local church. I had to get an extension on this, due to the cold I had, and there are some changes to the little girl that I will be addressing over the next month. A couple of freelance projects on the side and a new commission of a life size soldier that I’ll be starting in the next week or two have kept me at the studio until late into the evening. The phrase “when it rains it pours” has significant meaning to me in the last couple of weeks racing to finish the church project and freelance work in preparation for the new commission. The good side to all of this work is I will have enough oil based clay to supply me for the rest of my life! With the free time I have (that would be Saturdays from 3-4pm), I am sculpting reliefs. These are for my own benefit and study to ease my mind from the seemingly neverending deadlines, although I am hoping to show them to some galleries once I get enough of them finished. Below is a relief of Leonardo da Vinci that I made primarily to test out different casting materials, but it turned out nice despite it’s intent. It measures 8″x6″.