After a long and hard 3 months I am closing in on this 6′ 8″ tall clay statue that will be cast in bronze in the following 4-5 months. This sculpture was commissioned by Pueblo Community College and will be installed in the courtyard of their campus in Pueblo, Colorado. The monument will show the tall man wearing a 1930’s style suit gesturing and welcoming students to the school. Mr. Hoag was a founding member of the school, among his many accomplishments.
Due to his height, as well as working simultaneously on one other monument and finishing up the 12 figure ww2 monument, this project has taken me a little longer than expected (this, along with losing my father). However, it is shaping up well and I will be very thrilled to see this statue installed. It is the first statue of what I have been wanting to break into for a while now, creating life size monuments of founders, CEO’s, presidents, etc.